Historical Background

About the Faculty

The Faculty of Earth and Environmental Sciences (FEES) was established on October 1, 2014 after getting the approval of the National Universities Commission (NUC) a year earlier. It was conceived as a ‘new home’ for Geography Department, one of the founding Departments in the University whose programmes ran in two different Faculties of Social & Management Sciences and that of the Science. The Faculty now accommodates six other Departments – Architecture, Estate Management, Environmental Management, Geology, Quantity Surveying (QS), and Urban & Regional Planning (URP). Its current academic and technical staff make a dynamic pool of active scientific men and women from the Faculty’s different backgrounds. Towards its establishment, the University invested huge amount of money sourced mainly through the Needs Assessment and the Tetfund in order to provide all necessary teaching and research facilities and infrastructures. Lecture rooms and theatres, studios and laboratories are currently in the process of being furnished and equipped with state of the art teaching and learning tools. At the moment all lecture rooms and theaters are equipped with projectors, digital lecture boards, computers and many teaching tools. There are available facilities to cater for the needs of postgraduate students that could enhance their coursework and research experiences.


Academic Activities

The Faculty runs undergraduate programmes in the seven Departments and, in addition, and at the moment, runs Master’s and PhD in Geography Department (see table below). Efforts are being made to develop other programmes in other Departments.


Undergraduate Programme

Postgraduate Programme


B.Sc. Architecture


Environmental Management

B.Sc. Environmental Management


Estate Management

B.Sc. Estate Management & Valuation



B.Sc. Geography

1. Postgraduate Diploma (PGD) in Land Resources (in three Specialisations

i. Environmental Management,

ii. Land Administration

iii. Soil Evaluation

2. M.Sc. Land Resources (in two Specialisation

i. Land Administration

ii. Land Development

3. M.Sc. Geography (in Seven Specialisations –

i. Physical Geography,

ii. Human Geography,

iii. Development Geography,

iv. Environmental Management,

v. Population and Development;

vi. Climate Change and Development;

vii. Geographical Information System.

4. PhD (&/or M.Phil.) in various specialisations


B.Sc. Geology


Quantity Surveying

B.Sc. Quantity Surveying


Urban & Regional Planning

B.Sc. Urban & Regional Planning